Check plagiarism is now free so you can easily check it online for any type of content. By using advanced technology and considering the needs of our users, we have developed this web application to provide our users with the most accurate results with percentages. With our free plagiarism checker, we present you the solution to find out if your text is plagiarized. This is where an online plagiarism checker comes in handy. Using someone elses words without proper citation is considered plagiarism and unintentional plagiarism has the same severe consequences as intentional plagiarism.
Use of someone elses words counts as incremental plagiarism. You can unintentionally paraphrase a key idea from someone elses work, and this happens even if you arent intending to do so. In reality, understanding plagiarism is quite difficult. Plagiarism happens when someone uses or passes off someone elses exact ideas or products as new and original. Plagiarism is an intellectual offense which means stealing other peoples words, ideas, or thoughts.